Sunday, September 12, 2010


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Set Phasers to H

I am a nerd. Most of the time. I have accepted this. That standing, i cannot wait for Star Trek to open ... Zachary Quinto makes me WET.

... But that's another post.

I was reading May's Wired magazine (i love Wired) and they had an article on artist Neville Page. He designs monsters and aliens for movies ... or so Wired told me.

Here's why this is interesting:

"Meet a monster that literally looks like ass-the Star Trek critter Page calls Big Red, a lobster-hued snow-planet scourge that shows up to attack James T. Kirk. "The brief was, it needs the most disgusting mouth," Page says. He considered crabby, finger-like oral appendages, then decided there's nothing ickier than the sight of a prolapsed rectum. (Yuck. We agree.) For reference, Page hunted down hundreds of pictures of that unfortunate condition. "If the government saw them," he jokes, "I'd be institutionalized.""

i blame the pnm

see more here

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fags are not to be Loled at!

Oh Catface, you tell the story of our struggle soo succinctly in your delightful little cartoon.

I know, because I am a Mess.


I'm very surprised at myself for not doing an Idol post as yet. So here goes.

I really like this season, there have been better overall, but its been a while since we've had a clear winner so early on in the compettition (Kelly, Carrie).

Adam Lambert IS going to win, he is, and any bitch that wanna contest me on that go get cut something fierce. Tranny is THE sauce.

'Nother thing, in case anyone is still unclear (go figure?) girl is a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL. there is nothing bi about him, and to say so is an insult both to him, and to your intelligence. I have the WORST gaydar, and even i knew without having to see this, or this:

He is a H M and i LOVE HIM

PS, Kris is cute in kinda sorta way, but his weird lips freak me out, his mouth brings to mind a gaping wound, 'specially when he's singing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

From the Annals of Inappropriate Behaviour

hey guys

Hey guys and/or gals. As you may have noticed, the melvin has been missing in action for a few days. I've been busy these past weeks getting an internship, putting my life together, being a desperate mess, you know the deal. anywho, I'm back at last. So unbunch your panties, warm up the vibrator and get ready to reflect on our collectively messy lives. Peace yall!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

In the End

Too bad all you Jessie fans, but, you should have seen it coming.

Honestly, i think the right person did win, i mean, Ben really was the only one who could actually surf. The others were just there to flounce in the water and look pretty, or, in the cse of poor Brennan, chunky and lesbionic.

I must also clarify that i am suddenly finding myself significantly less attracted to Ryan. I have a policy against fantasising about boys who drag.

I still love him, though i'm not sure if i'd let him bend me.... yea, i know... as i was typing it i didn't believe it. But, i'm a dfag, so i'm permitted to break my convictions.

....he's just so cute.

We will miss you surf camp, until next .... summer?

I am fond of Simon Cowell

Not distinctly faggy, but sometimes its good to be amused by senseless things